The Fargo Public Schools Early Childhood Special Education program, known as ECSE, serves children, ages three to kindergarten entrance, who meet criteria as needing specially designed instruction because of developmental delays in the general areas of cognitive/pre-academic, large and fine motor skills, social and emotional behavior, communication (articulation and language), and/or adaptive behavior, or who have vision or hearing losses.
The project goal was to create a logo encapsulating the program’s focus on the school district’s youngest learners. I worked directly with the program’s principal, administrative assistant, and a teacher representative exploring many different themes. The final concept is a combination of the abbreviation for the program and a child’s painted handprint with a heart included in the palm. The slab serif typeface is bold and blocky, but gentle and fun, with slightly offset letters to imitate the playful stacking of blocks. The painted handprint is symbolic of childhood and a common project in early education. The purposefully primary color scheme includes the colors first taught to students in the program. The logo is unique to ECSE and was well received by the students, staff, and community.