The Fargo Public School District (FPS) Annual Report is a comprehensive annual publication for the parents, staff, and community members of the Fargo Public School District. It is produced electronically and available online as well as printed and available upon request. This report is shared in hard copy with all administrators, directors, board members, and community leaders. The communications team also shares the website link throughout the year in different district publications, through social media, and through ads purchased in the local newspaper and social media channels.
The general objectives of the Annual Report:
- To provide an overview of the students, staff, programs, initiatives, and financial status of the school district.
- To profile the Fargo Board of Education members and their role on the board.
- To profile each school building.
- To highlight the achievements from the past year of our students, staff, and district as a whole.
- To serve as the District’s “yearbook.”
Audience and Objective:
The audience for the FPS Annual Report is the community of Fargo (i.e. city residents and taxpayers). In producing this report, our objective is to give a better idea of how tax dollars are spent and the results of our efforts. We have received positive feedback about the report since we started publishing it in 2013.
Frequency and Budget:
The Annual Report is a yearly publication. It is produced during the summer, with information from the previous school year, upon the conclusion of the school year. There was a minimal budget for the Annual Report. The report is written by the communications staff and is designed by me. The only cost associated with the Report is printing around 150 hard copies for distribution.
The publication should project the positive, award-winning image of the school district while also communicating the results of the schools. While the document must be comprehensive in coverage, no one section should be too long to maintain reader interest throughout the full document. The communications team takes annual feedback on the publication for next year’s edition.